About us

Benczur Consulting and Project Office

We are a boutique consulting with an extensive network, decades of experience, and with a sharp focus on EU policy implementation, tailored policy design, and funding opportunities. 

We are happy to assist you in English, German, French, Hungarian, and Romanian

A few things we’re great at

We understand that every sector and organisation needs a different approach to navigate the maze of Public policy. Therefore we create tailor-made strategies and provide needs-basis communication and information at an international level

sme sector

We have extensive knowledge to support the SME sector with information related to SDG, ESG and EU Taxonomy, interest representation and networking at an international level 


We support our clients in project generation and partner search related to the promotion of international cultural activities

policy design

By monitoring relevant public policies we build strategies for our clients and support them in successful communication with relevant stakeholders and policy implementation 

eu funding opportunites

We support our clients in applying for calls for proposals from partner search and project generation to the actual writing of the project proposal and management of the successful project

The secret of success

We are constantly developing ourselves and widening our network. We believe in proactive communication, mutual trust and transparent processes. 


Based on transparent communication we believe in an “open-book” method and full confidentiality towards our clients


We know the importance of an active international network, therefore we build our relations on trust. We do believe in “gentlemen’s agreement’


Our philosophy is that in our work quality comes first. All our offered services are tailored according to the best of your business needs.


We are committed to following the latest trends, and relevant policies to support you in finding the best way to promote your business in Brussels and at an EU level.

Our Core Team

The activities are co-ordinated through our core team with occassional involvement of external experts

Beatrix Benczur

Co-founder, International affairs specialist

Nándor Benczur

Co-founder, IT specialist

Gyöngyi Horváth dr.

Project manager, EU Lawyer

Our partners

We are proud to be working together with: